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Dystopia Now

A research project based at King’s College London understanding how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected young people’s lives and their hopes and dreams for the future

Halfway through our Utopia Now! project a medical dystopia suddenly leapt right into the centre of our lives.


The fights over face masks that young people at Theatre Peckham jokingly predicted in February 2020 became real, and young people had to experience the turbulence of lockdowns and illness that came with the COVID-19 pandemic.  


We therefore worked with young people, parents, community organisers, and the REACH study, to explore how the pandemic has affected young people’s lives and their hopes and fears for the future. You can explore what young people have said through our COVID-19 Time Capsule, where they talk about their experiences through poetry, Minecraft and film. You can also see our full list of recommendations and the Dystopia Now! zine. ​ 

This project has been funded by The Maudsley Charity.

Visit our Time Capsule illustrating young people's stories, experiences and voices about the pandemic.


Read how coronavirus and lockdown have changed young people's lives in our poetry anthology. 


 Explore our dream lockdown  neighbourhood young people built in Minecraft.




Watch how COVID-19 has changed how these young filmmakers live.



Read the zine.

Dystopia Now Zine (1).gif

Utopia Now!

Showcase & Zine Launch

Jul 28| 17:00- 19:00

Theatre Peckham

Join us for a free spoken word, multi-media showcase and the launch of our zines to hear what young people in South London have to say about the future!

Utopia Now!

The Exhibition

Jul 26 - 29 Oct|Mon - Tues

Science Gallery

Explore our free multi-media exhibition about young people's hopes and fears for the future!




Phone: 07587527416 

Address: School of Population Health & Environmental Sciences

King’s College London  

5th Floor, Addison House,  
Guy’s Campus, London, SE1 1UL 




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